Guiding You Through Your Soul Embodiment Journey
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If you are interested in therapies and further information, please email:
Welcome to Ascension Therapies & God-Sovereign-Free Timeline!
My name is Yana and I am here to assist you in your unique soul embodiment journey.
My main role is to offer support and guidance to all who are in a process of awakening to their unique ascension journey, soul mission and purpose. These groups are more likely to feel resonance with the word 'ascension', and may already be aware that humanity and our planet Earth are currently undergoing spiritual initiation into higher octaves of frequency and as the higher and lower frequencies in the inner and outer domains are gradually polarising or bifurcating, humanity and individuals can no longer exist in a blended reality systems and must make a frequency choice.
I am here to support, assist, and guide you so that you can make the best choice for yourself, and your soul extensions to enhance your conscious participation with ascension.
If you are in a process of spiritual awakening, going through a 'dark night of the Soul', or wishing to further your spiritual growth and comprehension of your role, pre-karmic agreement and purpose on planet Earth during the Ascension Cycle, which incidentally only happens every 26,500 years, then these therapies may be helpful and supportive for you!
My name is Yana and I am here to assist you in your unique soul embodiment journey.
My main role is to offer support and guidance to all who are in a process of awakening to their unique ascension journey, soul mission and purpose. These groups are more likely to feel resonance with the word 'ascension', and may already be aware that humanity and our planet Earth are currently undergoing spiritual initiation into higher octaves of frequency and as the higher and lower frequencies in the inner and outer domains are gradually polarising or bifurcating, humanity and individuals can no longer exist in a blended reality systems and must make a frequency choice.
I am here to support, assist, and guide you so that you can make the best choice for yourself, and your soul extensions to enhance your conscious participation with ascension.
If you are in a process of spiritual awakening, going through a 'dark night of the Soul', or wishing to further your spiritual growth and comprehension of your role, pre-karmic agreement and purpose on planet Earth during the Ascension Cycle, which incidentally only happens every 26,500 years, then these therapies may be helpful and supportive for you!
Therapies Offered
Ascension Counselling
Ancestral Memory Retrieval & Healing
Light Body Clearing & Cleansing
Choosing Therapy Sessions that Resonate with You
Our exploration will be guided by the spiritual perspective that our Soul, housed within our physical body, has its unique purpose and healing abilities and is ever willing to assist us in our personal growth, self-mastery and deeper understanding of life meaning. Sessions are tailored to your unique needs and will include light body healing and activation, working within the multidimensional framework, ancestral karma and shadow clearing and higher sensory perception. The important prerequisite for the sessions is that you have already achieved some levels of completion with clearing and healing your 3D personality matrix that covers psychological issues issues that we inherit through childhood, parental upbringing and societal conditioning.
2024© All Rights reserved. The content of this website cannot be copied, taken or reproduced without author's permission. I would like to extend sincere gratitude and acknowledgement to Krystal Star Guardians, Guardian Founders, Master Christos Collective and to Lisa Renee and Tomás, the founders of mentor field for their love, endurance and dedicated effort in bringing the ascension information to the public to facilitate soul healing, heart path truth discernment and personal self-sovereignty. Graphics are kindly shared by Kimo, Pixabay Community, and